Success comes in many harmonics !

by James Renforth
(St.Louis, Missouri)

Heathkit DX-40

Heathkit DX-40

I got my first ham license in 1962 (WA9ASN), built my first REAL transmitter from Heathkit (DX 40) during that summer and went 'on the air'.

To my chagrin, my many successful QSLs were hitting high marks with the FCC, which came to my attention when I received a citation stating my "third harmonic" was being copied and I may want to verify my shielding and "immediately correct" any deficiencies.

That was quite a surprise. First off, I didn't know I could transmit that far !

And I immediately corrected the deficiencies.

After many decades and (Heathkit) kits later, ham radio became an integral part of my life and created scores of tight friendships along with a room full of QSL cards.

Secondly, I never received another inquiry from the FCC regarding spurious transmissions.

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Mar 30, 2020
Your Citation
by: Gerry S.

Thank you for sharing your story! Perhaps someday you can share a story or two about one of those contacts. I am a child of the 60's and was always captivated by radio, tubes, and, of course- Heathkit and the very fact people built their own radios.

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