Ham Radio
Online Activity

Ham radio online activities are many and varied. New instances pop up regularly!

Most amateur radio operators are keen to explore new technologies as they emerge over the horizon. The Internet - more commonly referred to as the Web - is no exception.

Hams quickly took advantage of Mosaic - the Web's very first browser - when it was released to the general public in 1993. At the time, ham operators were already experimenting with Internet protocols to enhance their reach.

This page will give you a brief overview of some of the most popular uses of the Web by hams.

Where To Find
Ham Radio Activity Online

Here are some of the most significant manifestations of amateur radio online activity.

Receivers on the Web

A certain number of amateur radio operators share HF, VHF, UHF receivers online among many listeners on the Web. The WebSDR receiver-servers and OpenWebRX are making this activity increasingly accessible.

Internet Linking

Internet linking of ham radio stations to exchange voice signals using VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is an increasingly popular activity, especially because it has the potential of helping us save lives in emergencies!

If you want an excellent introduction to VoIP and networks such as EchoLink and IRLP, I highly recommend reading K1RFD's book:
"VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs" (published by ARRL).

Some Useful URLs:


Log Keeping

Most logging software available for Windows PC, Mac OS x and Linux have an export function enabling the ham radio operator to upload logged data to a web-based logging service.

The three main reasons for logging the details of on-the-air activities (RF transmissions) are:

  1. Online logging service is useful when amateurs want to get official confirmation of QSOs. These services act as a reliable third party, able to ensure the validity of contacts between licensed ham radio operators who have submitted their log data to the same online logging service. Erroneous contact reports, as well as pirate or bootlegger stations, are not recognized and weeded out!

  2. The log may serve as proof of innocence in an interference complaint. When the logging service confirms your QSOs, you have additional proof of your on-the-air activity (date, time, frequency, RF power used) - or lack of it.

  3. The log serves as a personal diary describing who you contacted, what you talked about, the countries you "visited", etc.

The disadvantage of using more than one online logging service is that you have to submit your electronic logs to each of them - as a courtesy - to ensure that all those you have made contact with will get confirmation of QSOs from you, and vice versa!

Here are the four most popular online logging services:

Logbook of the World (LotW)

  • If you are interested in eventually obtaining official ARRL awards - such as DXCC, VUCC and WAS, then that's the online log I would recommend. Submit your log, even if you are not interested in any of the ARRL awards. Other hams are and your uploaded log data can help them obtain these much coveted awards.


  • Very popular among DXers but the eQSL data is not recognized by ARRL for its awards.


  • Many hams also submit their logs to QRZ.


NOTE: www.EnzoLog.org proclaims itself as "The first Web-Log". It is designed by Enzo, IT9GCG, webmaster.

Ham Radio Online Sharing

Using a Web site to share useful information with the amateur radio community, and any interested individual, on the multiple aspects of the ham radio hobby and public service.

Sample URL:

is only one of an increasing number of Web sites created by amateur radio operators.
Try it. It's fun and rewarding!

Ham Radio
Online Presence

Ham radio hardware and activities are increasingly merging with computer hardware, software and Internet technologies. It was unavoidable, really.

Most ham radio operators are naturally attracted by technology and love to take up technological challenges.

After all, we are expected to experiment with any technology that has the potential of making the most out of the radio spectrum ... in return for the privileges that we enjoy.

Links to listen to ham radio online receivers

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73 de VE2DPE
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