Ham Radio News
"Hot Off The Press"

Ham radio news hits the press wires every day because ham radio operators are always involved in newsworthy activities somewhere in the world.

The news items being reported below are related to events involving or related to ham radio or amateur radio activities...

  • that have occurred recently,
  • are occurring now,
  • or will occur soon.

In The News Now

Use the following links to obtain the latest news on ham radio and amateur radio.

News From IARU Region 3

Ham Radio News
Always In The Making

Ham radio (or amateur radio) make the news for a number of reasons.

If you revisit this page regularly, you will read about...

  • Ham radio operators providing emergency communication services when regular telephone communications are down.
  • Amateur radio operators participating in civil emergency practice sessions.
  • Hams providing security communications during large events.
  • Ham radio instructors giving training classes to aspiring hams.
  • Amateur radio operators showing what radio communication is all about at a "Field Day" or a "HamFest".

... the list of newsworthy ham radio activities is literally endless!

The most significant amateur radio news stories and events are reported right here, in one convenient spot.

The Story Behind
The Newsworthiness
Of Ham Radio

Why is ham radio (or amateur radio) making the news so regularly? Because amateur radio is much more than a hobby. It's a community service!

Amateur radio operators are trained in radio communications. All hams receive training in the use of radio communication technology and operating procedures.

A ham radio operator's special training is the reason why hams regularly take part in community events, sports events and, even emergencies of all kinds where competent and reliable radio communication services are required.

Competence alone does not make amateur radio expertise in demand. The demand might also have something to do with the fact that their services are free!

But "pricing" has no bearing on hams' availability when the time comes to answer the "call of duty". Amateur radio contribution to the safety of their fellow citizens in times of emergency is priceless and always readily available.

Events such as floods, severe weather, major accidents, environmental disasters ... the list of emergency situations is endless, and amateur radio operators' desire and ability to serve is boundless.

Incidentally, public service is the major reason behind a ham radio license immense privileges.

We readily serve, not only when called upon, but often before authorities get around to ask, we are already at work helping save lives and property.

That's why we make ham radio news regularly. Because we are very much part of life in our communities.

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

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Section Contents

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Ham Radio News




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