Sponsor Ads

Sponsor ads, posted on HamRadioSecrets.com, are exposed to a high return on investment (ROI), due to the site's favorable ranking and significant volume of highly focused visitor traffic.

In The Path

Your ad could be viewed up to half a million times over the next 12 months!

Advertising on HamRadioSecrets.com amounts to putting your best offer in the path of a strong flow of ham-radio-focused individuals.

Traffic to HamRadioSecrets.com has been steadily increasing - at times soaring - since its first day on line in December 2008.

On average, each month, over 16,000 unique visitors pay more than 21,000 visits to HamRadioSecrets.com, and generate an average of some 30,000 page views (impressions).

This much traffic ensures that
your ad benefits from high visibility!

Sponsor Ads

According to Netcraft.com there are more than 172 million active Web sites - all domains considered - on the Web.

Alexa.com - a recognized authority in Web site ranking on the Web - ranks HamRadioSecrets.com comfortably within the top 3% of all active Web sites in the world!

HamRadioSecrets.com ranks even better in the U.S., where 70% of its visitors come from.

In other words, your sponsor ads on HamRadioSecrets.com are given high visibility on the Web, above most of your competition!

Ham Radio

Visitors to HamRadioSecrets.com are often in their first months or years of operation. An increasing number of our Web site visitors is working toward obtaining a ham radio operator's license.

If the emails that we get are any indication, we seem to attract novices as well as seasoned hams (no pun intended).

Many of our visitors are highly interested in acquiring new ham radio equipment, software and services.

That's where your sponsor ads can meet their needs in a timely way.

Sharing A Passion

My Web site is more a work of passion than a "commercial" endeavor. Therefore, sponsor ads must ultimately enhance my visitors' experience.

My passion for ham radio began in the mid 50's. I used to read (devour) the section devoted to radio electronics in the Popular Mechanic Magazine.

I eventually became a ham radio operator in 1974. I was assigned the call sign VE2DPE under which I still operate today.

I created HamRadioSecrets.com to share my passion for ham radio. I structured its content to help aspiring and new amateur radio operators "fall in love" with the hobby, as I did decades ago.

My approach worked!

There is a definite demand for the information that I share on my Web site. The site's traffic statistics, and it's ranking on the Net, prove that my site meets and often exceeds expectations.

The Select Few

There is only room for a few, select sponsors!

I admit that I have a preference - among potential sponsors - for manufacturers or retailers . . .

  • with whom I have dealt with in the past
  • and with whom I have been very satisfied.

That is not to say that other sponsors are excluded! It just means that I will need time to sample your products and/or services - if I have not already - before accepting your sponsorship offer.

If you would like to get rewarding exposure to my Web site's traffic and its ham-radio-focused visitors, then do not hesitate.

Apply, using the sponsorship application form below.

The rates for sponsor ads are reasonable and the atmosphere is cordial! :)

HamRadioSecrets.com is not a commercial site, in the sense that I do not sell ham radio equipment or services.

Its primary mission is to inform and help ham radio operators.

Therefore, as I have already mentioned here, I will only accept a few sponsor ads on this site, and only one per category at any given time.

Ad rates are based on:

  • level of exposure (our visitor traffic volume at time of application);
  • value of exposure to the sponsor;
  • ad positioning and size.

Our rates are affordable and very competitively priced.
You can download details here (PDF file).
(Updated May 24, 2021)

Use the form below to contact me.

Claude Jollet - VE2DPE

Sponsorship Application

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction, at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

(One word queries work best)


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