Listen To Ham Radio Online

Over 400 websites allow you to listen to ham radio online. There are two main "flavors" of technology offering this free service.

  • WebSDR with its rudimentary user interface (UI) allows over a hundred listeners simultaneously. This means that their receiver-server can almost always accommodate an additional listener.
  • OpenWebRX has a more pleasant-looking user interface. But it allows only up to a maximum of 4 listeners simultaneously. This means that some sites are often full of listeners. You can then be patient and wait for an opening . . . or simply try another site.

Please note: Google has decided to modify its Chrome browser - and Android devices - to *not* allow it to play sound automatically anymore. This means that WebSDR sites are soundless on a Chrome browser!

I recommend the Firefox browser instead. With its unrestricted autoplay of sound, it will let you listen to stations on a WebSDR system. In addition, Firefox is the most secure of all browsers . . . and it's just as free as the others!

This page only contains "live" links to online receivers!

The links below will actually take you to sites where you can listen to amateur radio communicating with each other around the world.

The "live" links will let you hear ham radio operators using every imaginable mode of communication... SSB, FM and AM voice, RTTY, SSTV. The list of modes is nearly endless because new ones are experimented with regularly.

The "dead" links have been left in their inactive state to let you know that they might be reactivated by their respective owner. When that becomes the case, I will reactivate the links and you will have access to these reactivated resources.

If you find a "dead" link here, please let me know. I will try to reactivate it. If unable, I will remove it from this page.

WebSDR Lets You
To Ham Radio Online

WebSDR user interface (UI)WebSDR User Interface (UI)

WebSDR (Web Software Defined Radio Systems) was developed by PA3FWM. The software server lets many users simultaneously tune the SDR to different frequencies to listen to. There is an ever increasing number of servers being activated.

When I first posted this page, a few years back, there were only a few active WebSDR servers. Now there are about 180 WebSDR servers in operation around the world (updated April 21, 2023).

Here is a small sample:

  • NA5B WebSDR covers is VLF, 160, 80, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands. It is located in Washington DC, USA.
  • K3FEF & W3TKP WebSDR located in Milford, Pennsylvania - Northeastern USA. Covers VLF, 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters.
  • W6KFS is located six miles south of Half Moon Bay, California USA. Covers 80 to 10 meters. Maintained by Craig, W6DRZ. NOTE: Upgrades to the Internet connection are expected to occur in May or June 2023.
  • MAUI SDR, operated by Rob, AI6VN, from Kahakuloa, Hawaii on the island of Maui at an elevation of approximately 400 meters. Covers 80 to 10 meters.
  • Stoke-on-Trent ARS HF WebSdr is located at the Nantwich Secret Nuclear Bunker, formerly R.A.F. Hack Green, England, now a working museum. It covers 160 m to 17 meter bands.
  • PI4THT - 80m, 40m, 20m band signals from Amateur Radio Club of University Of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands.
  • PY2GN WebSDR - Pardinho, SP, Brazil. Covers 160-6 meters.
  • ARDAM Ham Radio Club WebSDR - located in Ordino, Andorra, in the heart of the Pyrenees. Covers 80, 60, 40 and 20 meters. Operated by C31CT and EA3KZ.
  • RD3MK - Yaroslav1, Regional branch of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia. Covers 160, 80, 40, 20, 10 meters.
  • SV3YY WebSDR in Rion, Greece. Covers HF bands 160-20 meters. 
  • EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) 3cm signals using a 25 m dish in Dwingeloo, Drenthe, Netherlands.
  • CB WebSDR receiver - Bordeaux, France. Operated by 14ODR860.
    * * * * *
  • PA3WEG in Delft, NL - VLF and 70 cm bands. (NOTE: Was found to be off the air Sept 26, 2014. Wouter says he may put it back on the air, if time and money become available again! :(NOTE: I leave this entry here as a reminder to all that it takes quite a bit of dedication, time and money to put up and maintain a receiving station that anyone can access via the Web to listen to ham radio online... at no cost to the listener!)

Also Lets You
Listen to Ham Radio Online

OpenWebRX User Interface (UI)OpenWebRX User Interface (UI)

OpenWebRX is Linux software. Just like WebSDR, it enables SDR HF receivers to be operated remotely over the Web. You might find their user interface (UI) more user friendly. It's a matter of taste.

These receiver-servers make it possible for anyone to listen to ham radio online. It is also possible to listen to other radio broadcasting stations on HF.

The majority of OpenWebRX installations allow a maximum of four listeners.

There are around 670 OpenWebRX receivers (April 28, 2023). You will find one in most countries of the world.

Here are just a few examples. Be patient. Some of them are often busy!

  • 0-30 MHz SDR, SK3W, Sweden
  • 0-30 MHz HF SDR, VE6SLP / VE6JY - Lamont, Alberta, Canada

  • N1NTE on CT/MA Border, USA. Covers 80-10 meters.

  • ON3URE - Merchtem, Belgium. Covers HF bands + 2m + 70cm.

  • PA1KE - Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. Covers some bands of HF, 2m and 70cm.

  • F1FHL - Aubigny sur Nere, France. Covers HF 80m-20m and VHF 2m.

  • Elad FDM-S2, Marahau, Tasman District, New Zealand. Covers 500kHz to 28.965MHz.

  • LW9EWL - SDR Chascomus Bs. As. Argentina. Covers HF bands, VHF, UHF.

Classic Receivers

Classic receivers can only be tuned to one listening frequency at any given time. When you land on the page, you will be listening to the frequency that was chosen by the last visitor/user.

Most sites let you tune the radio to a different frequency and listen to ham radio online for a few minutes.

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
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