Learning Web Design
For Ham Radio Sites

Learning Web design, and how to apply it to a ham radio Web site, ... is no harder than learning what it takes to pass the ham radio license exam!

It just takes time, discipline and some expert help...

... just like the help you got from your ham radio instructor, when you took the classes given by your friendly amateur radio club.

So, if you want to have a ham radio Web site ...

  • that will get more than its fair share of amateur radio traffic
  • and you wouldn't mind if your Web site were to pay for itself ... and then some!

Then I strongly recommend
learning Web design with the
SBI! Self-Study Course

Proof That
Learning Web Design

I proudly submit HamRadioSecrets.com as proof of what you can accomplish on the Web with the SBI! Self-Study Course.

Web site design must start with the infrastructure to give the kind of results I reveal on this page.

One Step At A Time

The SBI! Self-Study Course is behind the growing success of my Web site!

I started building HamRadioSecrets.com in 2008 and only managed to get significant results (within months) because I took things one step at a time, as instructed.

I followed the modules one by one. Each time, I made sure that I had everything right before starting on the next module of the course.

It worked, way beyond my expectations!

The SBI 10-module course will help you avoid the costly mistakes most hams do when building a ham radio site or blog.

SBI will clear the confusion and pave the way for a rewarding experience on the Net ... regardless of your technical knowledge and experience

  • With 10 easy to understand modules, available in written form as well as in video.

  • By covering every aspect of building an enviable reputation on the Web.

  • By covering every aspect of Web site building for maximum effect.

  • By giving you the option of earning income from a wide variety of sources.

  • By giving you the option of even building a small business online ... because SBI teaches you everything you have to know about building a business online and marketing for the Web.

  • By enabling you to learn from the comfort of your own home ... online!

Above all, remember...

SBI! Self-Study Course
is, in many ways, less difficult
than the ham radio course!

Solo Build It!

P.S. Do take a long hard look at Solo Build It! Self-Study Course if you are at all serious about your ham radio Web site. Learning Web design in a structured way, from the best in the field, yields the best results!

For more on what I think about SBI!, I invite you to read my review of this unique and very effective buisiness-building product.

73 de VE2DPE

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

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Click here for more testimonials.

About Me


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About This Site

Ham Infopreneur

Web Design

Building Sites


Solo Build It! Review



Is a member
in good standing

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VE2DPE Ham Radio Operator and SolopreneurVE2DPE

Also a proud member of an international community of solopreneurs
using SoloBuildIt!
to promote my self-published eBooks
since 2005.

See my review
of this unique product for online businesses.


If you have a question, a comment or a topic you would like me to cover, please do not hesitate to ask here.