Meet The Infopreneur In You

What is an infopreneur? It is someone who earns an income by sharing his/her knowledge and/or know-how online. Fancy the idea? Read on.

VE2DPE, infopreneur non-fiction writer.VE2DPE Information Provider

I share my ham radio know-how on this website. In doing so, I am an infopreneur.

I structured my website's content to meet the demand that I can accurately identify and measure, using specialized software tools provided by my website host: SBI! (More on SBI! below)

My information's purpose is to help solve a problem or help understand a given aspect of amateur radio.

The act of generously sharing information, useful to amateur radio operators, has two very welcome side effects: recognition and income.

Ham radio is the King of Hobbies. The king needed a queen. I consider nonfiction writing (here) as being the Queen of Hobbies.

Ham Radio Infopreneur
A Live Example

The habit of sharing knowledge and know-how is a common trait among infopreneurs.

Many ham radio operators readily share what they know. This makes them excellent infopreneur candidates!

After I obtained my license in 1973, whenever I was on the air, other amateur radio operators would often ask me to explain some technical aspect of radio communication.

Mind you, I needed very little prodding. My favorite topics of conversation, on the air or off, were my homemade antenna projects or electronic accessories that had something to do with antenna systems.

I was also often asked to publish articles about radio signal tropospheric propagation or antenna theory in our local club publication.

Some years later, when the Internet became in widespread use by the general public and ham radio operators . . .

I eventually discovered - with the help of SBI! - how to structure information on a website to make it easy for people, surfing the web for information on a given topic, to find what they were looking for.

That's how I got the idea of publishing what I knew about amateur radio on a website. I became a nonfiction writer online, otherwise called an infopreneur.

Online Ham Radio Information
Sharing Plan

  1. Google tells you what it needs to correctly catalog and rank your website.
  2. SBI! shows you, concretely, how to meet Google's expectations to ensure your website's success.

The website was almost a self-defence move. I was always repeating the same things about antenna systems and accessories. I got to know what information my fellow amateurs were most often looking for and asking me about.

I used specialized proprietary software - supplied by my website host SBI! - to help me do keyword research and market analysis. This enabled me to identify precisely what amateur radio operators were looking for on the Web, when using search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo!).

Then in 2008, I began planning my site's information structure. It's like planning a book, really.

The site has sections (akin to chapters in a book). I knew that there was a great interest for antennas so I planned a section on amateur radio antenna systems with subsections on antenna types, transmission lines, installation problems and solutions, etc..

VE2DPE ham radio infopreneur.VE2DPE ham radio info provider - circa 2008

I also planned a section and its subsections on equipment such as transceivers, special receivers and radio accessories.

When the first PCs hit the market in the 80s, radio amateurs were soon writing software to help them manage their radio stations. Logging software, antenna rotator control software, antenna design software were the first applications that were developed.

Therefore, I planned to dedicate a section of my website to software for amateur radio.

When I had my site's information structure plan mostly completed, I began to write articles to meet the demand that I knew was there.

That's how went online in December 2008... and has been thriving since.

The Many Rewards Of Sharing

At first, hundreds of people, interested in the information I was offering on my website, were landing on my web pages and browsing around my site's sections each month.

A few months after creating my website, I had hundreds of visitors per day!

That's when it dawned on me that the infopreneur is a nonfiction writer with a better income earning potential than most published writers!

Many hams were writing me for additional info. Some were even congratulating me for my web site. I had intentionally made it different and better structured than most of my "competitors". (I was guided here by the instructions included in SBI infopublishing process).

My website's increasing popularity and the many favorable comments I was getting became my first reward: recognition, the basic "soul food" of the infopreneur.

I would not have been able to monetize my know-how successfully without the infopublishing process explained in detail within SBI!

When the inbound flow of visitor traffic got strong enough (more than 100 visitors per day), I decided to implement the "monetizing" plan that I had developed (again following the detailed instructions provided by the SBI process. More on SBI below.)

I first sprinkled relevant ads on my website pages. Soon after, I also began offering amateur radio related products as an affiliate which further increased the monthly income generated by my site.

Over 17,000 distinct individuals visit each month.

Many visitors make more than one visit per month and view more than one page of information per visit.

The result is that the ads on my site are viewed more than 30,000 times per month! (Page views are called "impressions" in the advertising world).

I now earn extra income

  1. by selling my own products, as a seasoned ham radio operator, and
  2. services as adviser and coach, based on my professional experience
  • in operational meteorology or
  • in practical "infopreneurship" by implementing the SBI Process to self-publish online.

Solo Build It!

The income generated by my website is my second reward, the "icing on the cake" with a "cherry" on top for the ham radio infopreneur in me.

Understandably, the many rewards generated by my website encourage me to keep sharing with my fellow amateur radio operators and other radio enthusiasts.

73 de Claude - VE2DPE

P.S. What is my small business built upon? See my review of SBI!

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

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Ham Infopreneur

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VE2DPE Ham Radio Operator and SolopreneurVE2DPE

Also a proud member of an international community of solopreneurs
using SoloBuildIt!
to promote my self-published eBooks
since 2005.

See my review
of this unique product for online businesses.


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