Ham Radio Suppliers
Retailers Wanted

Ham radio suppliers are cordially invited to advertise on our website.

Please note: if you are not a supplier (retailer) of amateur radio (or SWL) equipment and/or services, we apologize for the inconvenience! This page is obviously not meant for you!

However, you might want to invite your favorite supplier to seriously consider applying! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a comment or suggestion.

Critical Info For
Ham Radio Suppliers

Over the past 12 months, 194,000 unique visitors had paid over 264,000 visits to HamRadioSecrets.com, generating more than a quarter million (371,933) page views in the process! (Updated: May 24, 2021)

In fact, this would mean that - were you to advertise on this web site - people already focused on ham radio would see your ad more than 1/4 million times in a year!

Where else could you get this kind of very affordable exposure?

We regularly receive inquiries from ham radio operators around the world. Many seek our advice before buying equipment.

We would love to respond constructively to these requests by referring them directly to reputable, service oriented ham radio retailers (suppliers) .

We are offering amateur radio equipment suppliers to profit from full exposure to our highly focused target clientele!

Forms of exposure range from . . .

  • a well positioned contextual text link or image ad,
  • to site sponsoring in an exclusive niche category,
  • to a full page text with ad if required!

Our advertising rates are affordable. Download this PDF document for details.

Please apply here by filling the form for amateur radio suppliers or SWL suppliers only below.

Also, do not hesitate to ask what else HamRadioSecrets.com can do for your business and to discuss referral fees or other forms of compensation for our referring pre-sold customers to you.

Claude Jollet - VE2DPE
Owner & Editor

Ham Radio Retailers Application

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

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73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9

QTH Locator: FN36gb

If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction, at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

(One word queries work best)


Click here for more testimonials.



Sponsoring Policy

Ham Retailers

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Is a member
in good standing

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Radio Amateur du Québec inc.
Club Radio Amateur Lanaudière inc.
VE2DPE Ham Radio Operator and SolopreneurVE2DPE

Also a proud member of an international community of solopreneurs
using SoloBuildIt!
to promote my self-published eBooks
since 2005.

See my review
of this unique product for online businesses.


If you have a question, a comment or a topic you would like me to cover, please do not hesitate to ask here.