If you really want to pass the ham radio license test online, or in person, the first time... preparation is essential, critical, crucial, vital! I cannot stress this enough. Be ready! Need I insist further?
Study Online (US)
Study Online (CA)
Practice Tests (US)
Practice Tests (CA)
Online Test (US)
Your level of readiness (and your success) will be directly proportional to the dedication you will apply to your study of the material. Don't rush it! Instead, take the time to understand the material.
Don't just memorize either. You may be able to pass the ham radio exam if you have a good memory and memorizing technique. But, understanding the various aspects of what you will have studied will prevent you from looking foolish on the air later on!
Therefore, allow me to list some of the more reliable and recognized sources to help you in your preparation for the ham radio exam. As you will soon find out, there is no reason to dread the exam.
With proper guidance from one of the following sources, you will be confidently in control.
Quoting from their website: "Pass your exam on your first try or your money back, guaranteed!"
ARRL Learning Programs
"ARRL offers various training programs for new, experienced, and prospective amateur radio enthusiasts."
"You are welcome you to use the online website for free!"
Technician Class License Course
"35 free video lessons (6 hours total)"
Ylab’s Free Canadian Amateur Radio (Ham) License Training Class
Online Ham Self-Study Course
Offers a Free sample Basic Course
ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio™
"Use this review and practice exam resource with the current editions of ARRL License Manuals."
Quoting from their website: "It's a no-brainer — you pass the exam or get a full refund!" (Conditions apply)
Ylab’s Free Canadian Amateur Radio (Ham) License Training Class
"Simple slides and videos with a hard focus on exactly what’s required"
ISED-ISDE Amateur radio exam generator
A learning aid for prospective Canadian amateurs
Find an Online Exam Session
A complete ARRL list of online sessions with sound advice on the side.
Video Supervised FCC Amateur Radio License Exam Sessions
"We are a Volunteer Examination Team and we run online testing for Amateur Radio FCC licensing. We are ARRL accredited."
HamStudy Upcoming online / remote sessions
All sessions by VECs are listed by day.
VE2DPE's List of Ham Radio License Study Guides (Books & eBooks)
For those who prefer studying with books instead of reading off a computer screen.
If you find amateur radio an attractive hobby and a means of communicating with like-minded individuals, both near and far, then getting a license to operate a radio transceiver legally on the bands of frequencies reserved to licensed ham radio operators is a must.
You already know a ham radio operator? Then you are in luck. That person is the first one to go to get information on how and where to take your ham radio license test online to get started. He or she might be a member of a local amateur radio club. You will be introduced to a number of other licensed ham radio operators, each of which will have different levels of experience and know-how. They, individually and together, will feed your curiosity and nourish your desire to take a course, either online or in person. You first course will be geared to help you get your first license which will then allow to get a call sign (mine is VE2DPE). Then, and only then, will you be able to use the frequency bands allocated to holders of a first license.
Later on, after you have been on the air for a few months (perhaps a few years) you may eventually feel the urge to explore new bands of frequencies (in the HF portions of the radio spectrum) and new modes of communication (beyond FM, such as SSB, SSTV and a whole range of digital modes such as RTTY, FT8 and many more...) that a higher level of license will allow. The resources listed above will help you get access to the appropriate training course which will prepare you to take a higher level ham radio license test online or in person.
That's all there is to it.
Now, go for it!
73 de VE2DPE
Claude Jollet
104-30 avenue des Berges,
Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Québec, Canada J6E 1M9
QTH Locator: FN36gb
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